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AIA Hong Kong | Architectural Services Department | ASHRAE Hong Kong Chapter |
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BEAM Society Limited | Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executive Society | Buildings Department |
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Bulgarian Green Building Council | Business Environment Council | City University of Hong Kong |
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Civil Engineering and Development Department | Council for Sustainable Development | Development Bureau |
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Drainage Services Department | Electrical and Mechanical Services Department | Energizing Kowloon East Office |
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Energy Institute (Hong Kong Branch) | Environment Bureau | Environmental Protection Department |
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Green Building Council Australia | Highways Department | Hong Kong Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Association |
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Hong Kong Association of Energy Engineers | Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification | Hong Kong General Building Contractors Association |
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Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce | Hong Kong Housing Authority | Hong Kong Housing Society |
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Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers | Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management | Hong Kong Institution of Highways and Transportation |
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Hong Kong Productivity Council | Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation | Korea Green Building Council |
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Planning Department | Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors | The Association of Architectural Practices |
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The Chartered Institute of Building (Hong Kong) | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | The Hong Kong Chapter of International Facility Management Association |
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The Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors Limited | The Hong Kong Institute of Architects | The Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling |
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The Hong Kong Institute of Housing | The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects | The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction |
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The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors | The Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design | The Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors |
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The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers | The Institution of Civil Engineers (Hong Kong) | The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong |
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Urban Land Institute (Asia Pacific) | Water Supplies Department | |