Time | Programme |
08:00-09:00 | Registration |
09:00-10:30 | Plenary Session - Theme: BIM for Sustainability Session Chair: Ir Kevin POOLE, Chairman of the Committee on Environment, Innovation and Technology, Construction Industry Council; Acting Executive Director, Third Runway, Airport Authority Hong Kong |
Mr Tomohiko YAMANASHI, Executive Officer; Deputy Head of Architectural Design Department, Nikken Sekkei Limited Topic: Practical Application of BIM in Nikken Sekkei  Ms Ada FUNG, Deputy Director of Housing (Development & Construction), Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR Topic: Driving Innovations for Sustainability with BIM  Dr Benny CHOW, Director of Sustainability, Aedas, Hong Kong Topic: Green BIM as Sustainability Tools to Support Integrative Design Process  |
10:30-10:50 | Morning Refreshment |
10:50-12:20 | Plenary Session - Theme: Housing Design for Sustainable Community Session Chair: Ms Alex CUTLER, Chief Executive, New Zealand Green Building Council |
Dr Stefanos FOTIOU, Head of "Cities and Lifestyles" Unit, United Nations Environment Programme Topic: Social Housing and the New Urban Agenda  Mr Sundaresan RAGHUPATHY, Executive Director, Indian Green Building Council Topic: Green Affordable Houses - Indian Experience  Prof. MU Jun, Director, Wu Zhi Qiao Research and Development Centre Topic: Improvement, Reformation and Heritage of Tradition  Ms Chinwe OHAJURUKA, Chief Executive Officer, Comprehensive Design Services Topic: "Small but Mighty": Affordable Green Housing for Nigeria  |
12:20-14:00 | Networking Lunch |
14:00-15:15 Parallel Sessions Sponsor:  | Parallel Sessions |
- Session 7
- Financial Strategies of Urban Regeneration
| - Session 8
- Smart Growth & Sustainable City Challenges
| - Session 9
- Global Successful Programmes,
- Initiatives & Achievements
- Session Chair:
- Mr Daniel SLONE, Board Member,
- World Green Building Council
| - Session Chair:
- Mr Brian WILKINSON, Chief Executive Officer, Green Building Council South Africa
| - Session Chair:
- Ms Tanya COX, Chair,
- Green Building Council of Australia
Mr Sean KIDNEY, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Climate Bonds Initiative Topic: Opportunities in the Growing Green Bonds - including China - Market for Low-carbon Property Investments  Mr Rob BENNET, Chief Executive Officer, EcoDistricts Topic: A New Era for Urban Regeneration: Bringing Sustainability to the Neighbourhood  Prof. Ray WILLS, Managing Director, Future Smart Strategies Topic: Distributed Ideas and Tech Bringing about Regeneration of Cities  | Mr Zachary TOFIAS, Head of the Sustainable Communities Initiative, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Topic:  Ms Anita MITCHELL, General Manager Sustainability, Barangaroo South, Lend Lease Corporation Topic: Delivering World’s Best Practice Sustainable Urban Regeneration  Mr Guy PERRY, Executive Director, Buildings + Places, APAC, AECOM Topic: Smart Growth for People and Planet  | Mr William M. SISSON, Co-chair, World Business Council for Sustainable Development Energy Efficiency in Buildings Project; Senior Director of Sustainability, United Technologies Corporation Topic: Driving Local Action to Overcome Market Barriers for Energy Efficiency in Buildings Ir Dr Vincent CHENG, Director of Building Sustainability, Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited Topic: Climate Change Initiative - a Holistic Approach in Bringing Global Sustainable Practice to Local Community Mr Will MYLES, Regional Managing Dircetor, Asia Pacific, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Topic: Advancing Responsible Business – a Sectoral Call to Action |
15:15-15:45 | Afternoon Refreshment |
15:45-17:00 Parallel Sessions Sponsor:  | Session 10 Transport Oriented Development & Sustainable Communities | Session 11 Sustainable Building Operation & Management | Session 12 Regional Successful Programmes, Initiatives & Achievements |
Session Chair: Mr Bengt WANGGREN, Board Member, World Green Building Council; Chief Executive Officer and Founding Chairman, Sweden Green Building Council | Session Chair: Mr Felipe FARIA, Managing Director, Green Building Council Brasil | Session Chair: Mr Johannes KREISSIG, Board Member, World Green Building Council; Board and Executive Director, German Sustainable Building Council |
Mr Steve YIU, Head of Town Planning, MTR Corporation Limited Topic: Hong Kong: Towards a Transit-Oriented City Mr Geoff DUTAILLIS, Group Head of Sustainability, Lend Lease Corporation Topic: Places for People Mr Danny SHEK, Technical Director, MVA Hong Kong Limited Topic: Seamless Pedestrian Connection for Transport Oriented Development | Mr SO Kai-ming, Convenor of Steering Committee for BEAM Plus Existing Buildings Major Revision, BEAM Society Limited Topic: Sustainable Building Operation and Management by BEAM Plus Existing Buildings Version 2.0 Mr Peter HILDERSON, Head of Energy and Sustainability Services for Asia Pacific, JLL Topic: Sustainable Building Operations – the View from Asia  Ir Jack CHAN, Mechanical Engineer, Malaysia Green Building Confederation Topic: Towards Auto Energy Monitoring  | Ir Cary CHAN, General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainability, Swire Properties Topic: A Challenge or Opportunity for Adopting Knowledge-Based Energy Management Approach Mr TAN Swee-yiow, President, Singapore, Keppel Land International Limited Topic: The Journey towards Sustainability Ms Yuko NISHIDA, Planner, Urban and Global Environment Division, Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Topic: Tokyo Green Building Programme: the Policies and Impacts​  Ms Esther AN, Chief Sustainability Officer; Executive Assistant to Deputy Chairman, City Developments Limited Topic: Integrating Sustainability: Creating Business Value  |
17:00 | End of Conference Day 2 |
18:00 | WorldGBC Drink Event (by invitation only) |