Time | Programme |
08:00-09:00 | Registration |
09:00-09:30 | Welcome and Opening Remarks Hon. LEUNG Chun-ying, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Mr Bruce KERSWILL, Chair, World Green Building Council Ir LEE Shing-see, Chairman, Construction Industry Council Ir Conrad WONG, Chairman, Hong Kong Green Building Council |
09:30-09:50 | Preview of Buildings Day at COP21 Paris Ms Terri WILLS, Chief Executive Officer, World Green Building Council and Dr Stefanos FOTIOU, Head of "Cities and Lifestyles" Unit, United Nations Environment Programme |
09:50-10:30 | Plenary Session - Theme: Global Visions of Future Sustainable City Development Session Chair: Ir Conrad WONG, Chairman, Hong Kong Green Building Council |
Keynote 1: Mr WONG Kam-sing, Secretary for the Environment, Government of the HKSAR |
10:30-10:50 | Morning Refreshment |
10:50-12:00 | Keynote 2: Dr QIU Baoxing, Counsellor, State Council of the People's Republic of China; President, China Society for Urban Studies and 2014 WorldGBC Chairman's Award Winner Keynote 3: Ms Andrea REIMER, Deputy Mayor, City of Vancouver, Canada |
Session Chair's closing remarks |
12:00-14:00 | Networking Lunch |
14:00-15:15 | Parallel Sessions |
Session 1 Climate Change Policy & Practice | Session 2 Community Engagement, Place Making & Embracing Social Inclusion | Session 3 Green Policy & Market Drivers |
Session Chair: Ms Terri WILLS, Chief Executive Officer, World Green Building Council | Session Chair: Ms Cristina GAMBOA, Board Member, World Green Building Council; Chief Executive Officer, Colombia Green Building Council | Session Chair: Mr TAI Lee-siang, Vice-Chair, World Green Building Council |
Mr Roger PLATT, Board Member, World Green Building Council; President, U.S. Green Building Council Topic: Cities and the Built Environment: Best Practices in Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience Mr SHUN Chi-ming, Director, Hong Kong Observatory, Government of the HKSAR Topic: Implication of Climate Change to Hong Kong  Dr Stanley YIP, Professor, Centre of Urban Planning & Design, Peking University Topic: Low Carbon Urbanisation in China: Challenges and Responses  | Mrs Irene CHENG, Assistant Director (Development and Procurement), Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR Ms Kylie LEGGE, Director, Place Partners Topic: Sustainable Cities Need Great Places Ms Brenda AU, Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office, Development Bureau, Government of the HKSAR Topic: Building a Sustainable CBD2 in Kowloon East  | Ir Cary CHAN, Director and Chairman of Policy and Research Committee, Hong Kong Green Building Council Topic: HK3030 - Market Drivers for Transformation for Green Buildings in Hong Kong Dr Chris PYKE, Chief Operating Officer, Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark Topic: Global Property Investors as Drivers of Market Transformation: Results from the 2015 GRESB Real Estate Assessment  Eng. Meshal AL SHAMARI, Director, Qatar Green Building Council Topic: The Role of Governments in Promoting Sustainability  |
15:15-15:45 | Afternoon Refreshment |
15:45-17:00 | Session 4 Blue & Green Infrastructures | Session 5 Healthy Building, Human Comfort & Wellbeing | Session 6 Green Building Rating Tools for Sustainable Neighbourhood Development |
Session Chair: Ms Romilly MADEW, Board Member, World Green Building Council; Chief Executive, Green Building Council of Australia | Session Chair: Mr Thomas MUELLER, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canada Green Building Council | Session Chair: Prof. John NG, Director and Chairman of Green Labelling Committee, Hong Kong Green Building Council |
Ms Deborah KUH, Head of Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section, Development Bureau (Works Branch), Government of the HKSAR Topic: Place Ecology: The Multipli-city of Landscapes  Mr Scott DUNN, Vice President, Southeast Asia, AECOM Topic: City Regeneration and Urban Planning  Prof. Alex LUI Chun-wan, Council Member and Chairman of the Task Force on Proposed Green Deck, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Topic: From Grey to Green  | Mr Paul SCIALLA, Founder, International WELL Building Institute Topic: Designing Buildings for Health and Wellness: Introducing the WELL Building Standard Mr John ALKER, Board Member, World Green Building Council; Director of Policy and Communications, UK Green Building Council Topic: Demand Healthy!  Ms Lisa BATE, Board Member, World Green Building Council; Managing Principal Shanghai, Executive Vice President Asia, B+H Architects Topic: Strategies & Tools for Material Selection with Real-Time Air Quality Monitoring | Mr Larry POON, Convenor of Steering Committee for BEAM Plus Neighbourhood Study, Hong Kong Green Building Council Topic: BEAM Plus Neighbourhood: a Planning Tool in Context Mr ANG Kian-seng, 2nd Vice President, Singapore Green Building Council; Group Director, Technology Development, Building and Construction Authority Topic: Realising Singapore’s Green Building Dream - Towards a Future-Ready Built Environment  Prof. Kazuo IWAMURA, Chair, Japan Sustainable Building Consortium Topic: Assessing a Neighbourhood According to the Triple-bottom-line of Sustainability  Mr Jeff OATMAN, Director, Green Star Certification, Green Building Council of Australia Topic: Green Star Communities: Australia's Rating Tool for Sustainable Neighbourhood Development  Dr Chris PYKE, Senior Vice President for Research, U.S. Green Building Council Topic: LEED-ND: an Integrative Framework for Smart Growth, New Urbanism, and Green Building  |
17:00 | End of Conference Day 1 |
18:30-22:30 | Pre-Dinner Cocktail and Gala Dinner |